Trigger API Reference\DCEI Functions\UI

void ShowFeedbackMessage(string message)

void ShowFeedbackMessage(string message)


Shows a in-game feedback message in the center of the player's screen.


Example Usage

-- Creates a button
local button_layout = GMUI.Layout.New({
    parent = DCEI.GetUiRootFrame(),
    name = "Standard/Button/Button",

-- Sets the button to show the feedback message
DCEI.SetOnClickCallback(button_layout.Button, function()

void ShowSystemUi(int typeId)

void ShowSystemUi(int typeId)


Shows a specific built-in UI frame. These UI frames are shown by default.


Example Usage

-- Hides the wave and gold UI

-- Creates a button
local button_layout = GMUI.Layout.New({
    parent = DCEI.GetUiRootFrame(),
    name = "Standard/Button/Button",

-- Sets the button to show the wave and gold UI
DCEI.SetOnClickCallback(button_layout.Button, function()

void ShowUnitStatusUi(int id, unit unit)

void ShowUnitStatusUi(int id, unit unit)


Shows the built-in status UI for the given unit.


2 - Large HP bar
3 - Slightly larger than default HP bar, bottom right corner "hero unit" UI
4 - Animated big hand pointer at the unit
5 - Top center HP bar with percent current HP
6 - Default speech bubble
7 - Nothing
8 - Yellow boxes/resource bar
9 - Yellow boxes as HP bar
10 - Nothing
11 - Top center HP bar with fractional current HP

Example Usage

-- Creates the unit
local team_id = 1
local player_id = 1
local unit_type = DCEI.Unit("Standard MeleeUnit")
local x, z = 16, 16
local unit_instance = DCEI.CreateUnit(team_id, player_id, unit_type, x, z)

-- Shows the status UI
local status_id = 9
DCEI.ShowUnitStatusUi(status_id, unit_instance)

-- Hides the status UI after 2 seconds
local show_duration = 2
    DCEI.HideUnitStatusUi(status_id, unit_instance)
end, show_duration)

void ShowUnitStatusUiForPlayer(int id, unit unit, int player)

void ShowUnitStatusUiForPlayer(int id, unit unit, int player)


Shows the built-in status UI for the given unit for the given player.


Example Usage

-- Creates the unit
local team_id = 1
local player_id = 1
local unit_type = DCEI.Unit("Standard MeleeUnit")
local x, z = 16, 16
local unit_instance = DCEI.CreateUnit(team_id, player_id, unit_type, x, z)

-- Shows the status UI
local status_id = 9
DCEI.ShowUnitStatusUiForPlayer(status_id, unit_instance, player_id)

-- Hides the status UI after 2 seconds
local show_duration = 2
    DCEI.HideUnitStatusUiForPlayer(status_id, unit_instance, player_id)
end, show_duration)

void SetUnitHealthBarUiScale(float scale)

void SetUnitHealthBarUiScale(float scale)


Sets the scale of the unit health bar UI.


Example Usage

local scale = 0.5

void SetGoldRewardTextScale(float scale)

void SetGoldRewardTextScale(float scale)


Sets the scale of the gold reward text, displayed when units with a SetGoldBounty are killed.


Example Usage

local scale = 2

void ShowSpeechBubble(unit unit, int width, string content, string title)

void ShowSpeechBubble(unit unit, int width, string content, string title)


Displays a speech bubble for the given unit. Speech bubble will disappear if the unit dies. Will not overwrite previous speech bubbles attached to the unit.


Example Usage

-- Creates the unit
local team_id = 1
local player_id = 1
local unit_type = DCEI.Unit("Standard MeleeUnit")
local x, z = 16, 16
local unit_instance = DCEI.CreateUnit(team_id, player_id, unit_type, x, z)

-- Creates the speech bubble
local width = 100
local content = "Content"
local title = "Title"
DCEI.ShowSpeechBubble(unit_instance, width, content, title)

void ShowSpeechBubble(unit unit, int width, string content, string title, TextOptions options)

void ShowSpeechBubble(unit unit, int width, string content, string title, TextOptions options)


Displays a speech bubble for the given unit. Speech bubble will disappear if the unit dies. Will not overwrite previous speech bubbles attached to the unit.


Example Usage

-- Creates the unit
local team_id = 1
local player_id = 1
local unit_type = DCEI.Unit("Standard MeleeUnit")
local x, z = 16, 16
local unit_instance = DCEI.CreateUnit(team_id, player_id, unit_type, x, z)

-- Creates the speech bubble
local width = 100
local content = "Content"
local title = "Title"
local text_options = { offset = { right = 1, up = 1, front = 2 } }
DCEI.ShowSpeechBubble(unit_instance, width, content, title, text_options)

void ShowUnitLabel(unit unit, string content)

void ShowUnitLabel(unit unit, string content)


Shows a text tag attached to a unit. Will not overwrite existing labels.


Example Usage

-- Creates the unit
local team_id = 1
local player_id = 1
local unit_type = DCEI.Unit("Standard MeleeUnit")
local x, z = 16, 16
local unit_instance = DCEI.CreateUnit(team_id, player_id, unit_type, x, z)

-- Creates the label
local content = "Content"
DCEI.ShowUnitLabel(unit_instance, content)

void ShowUnitLabel(unit unit, string content, UnitLabelOptions options)

void ShowUnitLabel(unit unit, string content, UnitLabelOptions options)


Shows a text tag attached to a unit. Will not overwrite existing labels.


Example Usage

-- Creates the unit
local team_id = 1
local player_id = 1
local unit_type = DCEI.Unit("Standard MeleeUnit")
local x, z = 16, 16
local unit_instance = DCEI.CreateUnit(team_id, player_id, unit_type, x, z)

-- Creates the label
local content = "Content"
local label_options = {offset = {right = 1, up = 1, front = 1}, center_at_unit_origin = true, center_at_unit_top = true}
DCEI.ShowUnitLabel(unit_instance, content, label_options)

-- Hides the label after 2 seconds
local show_duration = 2
end, show_duration)

void HideUnitLabel(unit unit)

void HideUnitLabel(unit unit)


Hides a text tag attached to a unit.


Example Usage

-- Creates the unit
local team_id = 1
local player_id = 1
local unit_type = DCEI.Unit("Standard MeleeUnit")
local x, z = 16, 16
local unit_instance = DCEI.CreateUnit(team_id, player_id, unit_type, x, z)

-- Creates the label
local content = "Content"
local label_options = {offset = {right = 1, up = 1, front = 1}, center_at_unit_origin = true, center_at_unit_top = true}
DCEI.ShowUnitLabel(unit_instance, content, label_options)

-- Hides the label after 2 seconds
local show_duration = 2
end, show_duration)

void ShowFloatingText(float x, float y, float z, string content)

void ShowFloatingText(float x, float y, float z, string content)


Displays floating text at the specified location. Text will immediately start to fade away.


Example Usage

local x, y, z = 12, 4, 12
local text = "Floating Text"
DCEI.ShowFloatingText(x, y, z, text)

void ShowFloatingText(Float3 pos, string content, float stayDuration, int animationType, float animationDuration, TextOptions options)

void ShowFloatingText(Float3 pos, string content, float stayDuration, int animationType, float animationDuration, TextOptions options)


Displays floating text at the specified location.


Example Usage

local float_text_pos = { x = 15, y = 2, z = 15 }
local text = "Floating Text"
local duration = 5
local animation_type = 1
local animation_duration = 5
local text_options = { offset = { right = 1, up = 2, front = 2 } }
DCEI.ShowFloatingText(float_text_pos, text, duration, animation_type, animation_duration, text_options)

void ShowFloatingTextWithOptions(Float3 pos, string content, float stayDuration, int animationType, float animationDuration, TextOptions options)

void ShowFloatingTextWithOptions(Float3 pos, string content, float stayDuration, int animationType, float animationDuration, TextOptions options)


Displays floating text at the specified location.


Example Usage

local float_text_pos = { x = 15, y = 2, z = 15 }
local text = "Floating Text"
local duration = 5
local animation_type = 1
local animation_duration = 5
local text_options = { offset = { right = 1, up = 2, front = 2 } }
DCEI.ShowFloatingTextWithOptions(float_text_pos, text, duration, animation_type, animation_duration, text_options)

void ShowFloatingTextAtUnit(unit unit, string content, float stayDuration, int animationType, float animationDuration, UnitLabelOptions options)

void ShowFloatingTextAtUnit(unit unit, string content, float stayDuration, int animationType, float animationDuration, UnitLabelOptions options)


Displays floating text at the specified unit.


Example Usage

local text = "Floating Text"
local duration = 5
local animation_type = 1
local animation_duration = 5
local label_options =
    { offset = { right = 1, up = 1, front = 1 }, center_at_unit_origin = true, center_at_unit_top = true }
DCEI.ShowFloatingTextAtUnit(unit, text, duration, animation_type, animation_duration, label_options)

void HideSpeechBubble(unit unit)

void HideSpeechBubble(unit unit)


Hides a speech bubble attached to the given unit.


Example Usage

-- Creates the unit
local team_id = 1
local player_id = 1
local unit_type = DCEI.Unit("Standard MeleeUnit")
local x, z = 16, 16
local unit_instance = DCEI.CreateUnit(team_id, player_id, unit_type, x, z)

-- Creates the speech bubble
local width = 100
local content = "Content"
local title = "Title"
DCEI.ShowSpeechBubble(unit_instance, width, content, title)

-- Hides the speech bubble after 2 seconds
local show_duration = 2
end, show_duration)

void ShowUnitStatusUiInSlot(int id, unit unit, int slotKey)

void ShowUnitStatusUiInSlot(int id, unit unit, int slotKey)


Shows the built-in status UI for the given unit in the specified slot.


Example Usage

-- Creates the unit
local team_id = 1
local player_id = 1
local unit_type = DCEI.Unit("Standard MeleeUnit")
local x, z = 16, 16
local unit_instance = DCEI.CreateUnit(team_id, player_id, unit_type, x, z)

-- Shows the status UI
local status_id = 9
local slot_key = 1
DCEI.ShowUnitStatusUiInSlot(status_id, unit, slot_key)

void HideUnitStatusUi(int id, unit unit)

void HideUnitStatusUi(int id, unit unit)


Hides the given built-in status UI for a given unit.


Example Usage

-- Creates the unit
local team_id = 1
local player_id = 1
local unit_type = DCEI.Unit("Standard MeleeUnit")
local x, z = 16, 16
local unit_instance = DCEI.CreateUnit(team_id, player_id, unit_type, x, z)

-- Shows the status UI
local status_id = 9
DCEI.ShowUnitStatusUi(status_id, unit_instance)

-- Hides the status UI after 2 seconds
local show_duration = 2
    DCEI.HideUnitStatusUi(status_id, unit_instance)
end, show_duration)

void HideUnitStatusUiForPlayer(int id, unit unit, int player)

void HideUnitStatusUiForPlayer(int id, unit unit, int player)


Hides the given built-in status UI for a given unit, for the given player.


Example Usage

-- Creates the unit
local team_id = 1
local player_id = 1
local unit_type = DCEI.Unit("Standard MeleeUnit")
local x, z = 16, 16
local unit_instance = DCEI.CreateUnit(team_id, player_id, unit_type, x, z)

-- Shows the status UI
local status_id = 9
DCEI.ShowUnitStatusUiForPlayer(status_id, unit_instance, player_id)

-- Hides the status UI after 2 seconds
local show_duration = 2
    DCEI.HideUnitStatusUiForPlayer(status_id, unit_instance, player_id)
end, show_duration)

void ShowMessageWithButtonText(string title, string content, string button, string image1, string image2, string image3)

void ShowMessageWithButtonText(string title, string content, string button, string image1, string image2, string image3)


Displays a pop-up message with a button. Displays up to 3 images.


Example Usage

local title = "Title"
local content = "Content"
local button_text = "Button Text"
local image1 = "airship_onMap"
local image2 = "crown_gold"
local image3 = "icon_boss"
DCEI.ShowMessageWithButtonText(title, content, button_text, image1, image2, image3)

void ShowScreenMask(float alpha = 0, ScreenBackgroundOptions options = default)

void ShowScreenMask(float alpha = 0, ScreenBackgroundOptions options = default)


Shows a screen mask (overlay tint). This will block interaction with everything. This will also overwrite previous screen masks.


Example Usage

-- Creates the screen mask
local mask_alpha = 0.5
local screen_options = { color = { r = 255, g = 0, b = 255, a = 255 }, duration = 1 }
DCEI.ShowScreenMask(mask_alpha, screen_options)

-- Hides the mask after 2 seconds
local show_duration = 2
end, show_duration)

void HideScreenMask()

void HideScreenMask()


Hides any active screen mask.

Example Usage

-- Creates the screen mask
local mask_alpha = 0.5
local screen_options = { color = { r = 255, g = 0, b = 255, a = 255 }, duration = 1 }
DCEI.ShowScreenMask(mask_alpha, screen_options)

-- Hides the mask after 2 seconds
local show_duration = 2
end, show_duration)

void TakeScreenShot(string fileName, float delay = 0, int quality = 1)

void TakeScreenShot(string fileName, float delay = 0, int quality = 1)


Takes a screenshot of the game. On Windows PCs, this file is saved in C:\Users\#YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Temp\Wild Sky Dev\Wild Arcade


Example Usage

    DCEI.TakeScreenShot("A-ScreenshotNormal", 0, 1)
    DCEI.TakeScreenShot("A-ScreenshotHQ", 0.1, 6)

void ShowSlowMotionEffect()

void ShowSlowMotionEffect()


Shows the slow motion effect on the screen.

Example Usage

-- Starts the slow motion effect

-- Hides the effect after 2 seconds
local show_duration = 2
end, show_duration)

void HideSlowMotionEffect()

void HideSlowMotionEffect()


Hides the slow motion effect on the screen.

Example Usage

-- Starts the slow motion effect

-- Hides the effect after 2 seconds
local show_duration = 2
end, show_duration)