Trigger API Reference\DCEI Events\Unit

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitSelectedEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback trigger)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitSelectedEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback trigger)


This event is triggered when a unit is selected.


Example Usage

local function OnUnitSelected()
    local unit = DCEI.TriggeringUnit
    local unit_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(unit)
    DCEI.LogMessage(unit_name .. " has been selected.")

DCEI.TriggerAddUnitSelectedEvent(DCEI.CreateUnitFilter({name = DCEI.Unit("Test Unit")}), OnUnitSelected)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitDeselectedEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback trigger)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitDeselectedEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback trigger)


This event is triggered when a unit is deselected.


Example Usage

local function OnUnitDeselected()
    local unit = DCEI.TriggeringUnit
    local unit_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(unit)
    DCEI.LogMessage(unit_name .. " has been deselected.")

DCEI.TriggerAddUnitDeselectedEvent(DCEI.CreateUnitFilter({name = DCEI.Unit("Test Unit")}), OnUnitDeselected)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitDamageEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback<float, unit> trigger, CriticalFilter filter = default)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitDamageEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback<float, unit> trigger, CriticalFilter filter = default)


This event is triggered when a unit is damaged. Inputs the damage done to the unit into the trigger as the first parameter, and passes the target unit to the second parameter.

Note: DCEI.Wait is explicitly disabled in callbacks for TriggerAddUnitDamageEvent, TriggerAddUnitCriticalDamageEvent, TriggerAddUnitHealEvent as these triggers may each fire multiple times per second and DCEI.Wait is relatively costly. To circumvent this, you should wrap trigger into a DCEI.TriggerAddTimerEventElapsed (or Core.Timer).


Callback Parameters

Example Usage

local function OnUnitDamaged(damage, target_unit)
    local context = DCEI.TriggeringEffectContext
    local effect = DCEI.TriggeringEffectName
    local caster_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(context.caster)
    local source_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(context.source)
    local target_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(
    -- Alternatively;
    -- local target_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(target_unit)
    DCEI.LogMessage(target_name .. " was damaged for " .. damage .. " by " .. caster_name .. " via " .. source_name .. " through the use of " .. effect .. ".")

DCEI.TriggerAddUnitDamageEvent(DCEI.CreateUnitFilter({name = DCEI.Unit("Test Unit")}), OnUnitDamaged, {critical_only = true})

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitCriticalDamageEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback<float, unit> trigger)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitCriticalDamageEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback<float, unit> trigger)


This event is triggered when a unit is damaged by a critical hit from a weapon. Inputs the damage done to the unit into the trigger as the first parameter, and passes the target unit to the second parameter.

Note: DCEI.Wait is explicitly disabled in callbacks for TriggerAddUnitDamageEvent, TriggerAddUnitCriticalDamageEvent, TriggerAddUnitHealEvent as these triggers may each fire multiple times per second and DCEI.Wait is relatively costly. To circumvent this, you should wrap trigger into a DCEI.TriggerAddTimerEventElapsed (or Core.Timer).


Callback Parameters

Example Usage

local function OnUnitCriticalDamaged(damage, target_unit)
    local context = DCEI.TriggeringEffectContext
    local effect = DCEI.TriggeringEffectName
    local caster_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(context.caster)
    local source_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(context.source)
    local target_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(
    -- Alternatively;
    -- local target_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(target_unit)
    DCEI.LogMessage(target_name .. " was damaged for " .. damage .. " by " .. caster_name .. " via " .. source_name .. " through the use of " .. effect .. ".")

DCEI.TriggerAddUnitCriticalDamageEvent(DCEI.CreateUnitFilter({name = DCEI.Unit("Test Unit")}), OnUnitCriticalDamaged)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitHealEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback<float, unit> trigger)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitHealEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback<float, unit> trigger)


This event is triggered when a unit is healed. Inputs the amount healed by the unit into the trigger as the first parameter, and passes the target unit to the second parameter.

Note: DCEI.Wait is explicitly disabled in callbacks for TriggerAddUnitDamageEvent, TriggerAddUnitCriticalDamageEvent, TriggerAddUnitHealEvent as these triggers may each fire multiple times per second and DCEI.Wait is relatively costly. To circumvent this, you should wrap trigger into a DCEI.TriggerAddTimerEventElapsed (or Core.Timer).


Callback Parameters

Example Usage

local function OnUnitHealed(amount, target_unit)
    local context = DCEI.TriggeringEffectContext
    local effect = DCEI.TriggeringEffectName
    local caster_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(context.caster)
    local source_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(context.source)
    local target_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(
    -- Alternatively;
    -- local target_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(target_unit)
    DCEI.LogMessage(target_name .. " was healed for " .. amount .. " by " .. caster_name .. " via " .. source_name .. " through the use of " .. effect .. ".")

DCEI.TriggerAddUnitHealEvent(DCEI.CreateUnitFilter({name = DCEI.Unit("Test Unit")}), OnUnitHealed)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitSpawnEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback trigger, bool simple = False)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitSpawnEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback trigger, bool simple = False)


This event is triggered when a unit is spawned.


Example Usage

local function OnUnitSpawned()
    local unit = DCEI.TriggeringUnit
    local name = DCEI.GetUnitType(unit)
    DCEI.LogMessage(name .. " was spawned.")

DCEI.TriggerAddUnitSpawnEvent(DCEI.CreateUnitFilter({name = DCEI.Unit("Test Unit")}), OnUnitSpawned)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitDiedEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback<unit> trigger, bool simple = False)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitDiedEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback<unit> trigger, bool simple = False)


This event is triggered when a unit dies.


Callback Parameters

Example Usage

local function OnUnitDeath(killing_unit)
    local unit = DCEI.TriggeringUnit
    local name = DCEI.GetUnitType(unit)
    local killing_unit_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(killing_unit)
    DCEI.LogMessage(killing_unit_name .. " has killed " .. name)

DCEI.TriggerAddUnitDiedEvent(DCEI.CreateUnitFilter({name = DCEI.Unit("Test Unit")}), OnUnitDeath)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitMoveCommandEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback<Float2> trigger)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitMoveCommandEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback<Float2> trigger)


This event is triggered when a unit starts moving. Inputs the destination into the first parameter of the trigger as a float2 value.


Callback Parameters

Example Usage

local function OnUnitMoveCommand(destination)
    local unit = DCEI.TriggeringUnit
    local unit_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(unit)
    local position = DCEI.GetUnitPosition2D(unit)

    local message = string.format("%q is moving to (%.2f, %.2f) from (%.2f, %.2f).", unit_name, destination.x, destination.y, position.x, position.y)

DCEI.TriggerAddUnitMoveCommandEvent(DCEI.CreateUnitFilter({name = DCEI.Unit("Test Unit")}), OnUnitMoveCommand)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddOnUnitIdleEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback trigger)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddOnUnitIdleEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback trigger)


This event is triggered when a unit goes into the idle state (no commands queued).


Example Usage

local team_id = 1
local player_id = 1
local unit_type = DCEI.Unit("Standard MeleeUnit")
local x, y = 16, 16
local test_subject = DCEI.CreateUnit(team_id, player_id, unit_type, x, y)

local function OnUnitIdle()
    local unit = DCEI.TriggeringUnit
    local unit_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(unit)

    DCEI.LogMessage(unit_name .. " has become idle.")

DCEI.TriggerAddOnUnitIdleEvent(test_subject, OnUnitIdle)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitRemovedEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback trigger, bool simple = False)

TriggerHandle TriggerAddUnitRemovedEvent(unit unit, TypedCallback trigger, bool simple = False)


This event is triggered when a unit is removed.


Example Usage

local function OnUnitRemoved()
    local unit = DCEI.TriggeringUnit
    local unit_name = DCEI.GetUnitType(unit)

    DCEI.LogMessage(unit_name .. " has been removed.")

DCEI.TriggerAddUnitRemovedEvent(DCEI.CreateUnitFilter({name = DCEI.Unit("Test Unit")}), OnUnitRemoved)