Ui XML Reference\Scroll

A 2D scrollable frame. By default, this frame type attempts to fill its parent size unless given explicit dimensions.

Example Usage

<Scroll layout="flex" height="500" width="500">
    <Frame width="1000" height="1000" frameImageColor="r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 0.8">
        <Text text="Left" position="absolute" left="0" />
        <Text text="Right" position="absolute" right="0" />
        <Text text="Top" position="absolute" top="0" />
        <Text text="Bottom" position="absolute" bottom="0" />
        <Text text="Center" position="absolute" />

This xml script produces the following UI:


Value type: boolean

Supports data binding


The inertia status of the Scroll frame, where true is enabled and false is disabled. Inertia is set to true by default. Inertia causes the scroll frame's scrolling to slow by the given deceleration rate, to a stop, after the mouse is released. If inertia is disabled the frame does not continue scrolling after the mouse is released.

Example Usage

<Scroll layout="flex" height="500" width="500" inertia = "false">
    <Frame width="1000" height="1000" frameImageColor="r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 0.8">
        <Text text="Left" position="absolute" left="0" />
        <Text text="Right" position="absolute" right="0" />
        <Text text="Top" position="absolute" top="0" />
        <Text text="Bottom" position="absolute" bottom="0" />
        <Text text="Center" position="absolute" />


Value type: number

Supports data binding


The deceleration rate for the inertia, if enabled. A value of 0 will cause instant deceleration (equivalent to setting the inertia to false). Values between 0 and 1 will cause deceleration. A value of 1 will cause no deceleration. A value greater than 1 will cause acceleration. A negative value will break the scroll element.

Example Usage

<Scroll layout="flex" height="500" width="500" decelerationRate="0.5">
    <Frame width="1000" height="1000" frameImageColor="r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 0.8">
        <Text text="Left" position="absolute" left="0" />
        <Text text="Right" position="absolute" right="0" />
        <Text text="Top" position="absolute" top="0" />
        <Text text="Bottom" position="absolute" bottom="0" />
        <Text text="Center" position="absolute" />

Related Trigger Function(s):


Value type: string

Supports data binding


The content alignment of the Scroll frame.This value determines where the initial display location of the scroll content is. Options are left, right, top, bottom, and (top|bottom)-(left|right). The default alignment is top-left

Example Usage

<Scroll layout="flex" height="500" width="500" contentAlignment="bottom-right">
    <Frame width="1000" height="1000" frameImageColor="r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 0.8">
        <Text text="Left" position="absolute" left="0" />
        <Text text="Right" position="absolute" right="0" />
        <Text text="Top" position="absolute" top="0" />
        <Text text="Bottom" position="absolute" bottom="0" />
        <Text text="Center" position="absolute" />