Ui XML Reference\State

Define a UI state. Often used with bind properties. The value can be changed based on events or lua scripts.

Example Usage

<Frame layout="flex" flexDirection="column">
    <!-- Declare initial state values. -->
    <State name="red" booleanValue="false" />
    <!-- Show different background images depending on the state value and flip state value when clicked. -->
    <Button bind:frameImage="'btn_' .. (state.red and 'red' or 'blue')" bind:onClick="state.red = not state.red">
        <Text text="switch color" />
    <Text bind:text="state.red and 'red' or 'blue'" />

Example lua script to modify a state's value:

local state = DCEI.GetFrameState(text_ui)

-- updates any lua state conditions defined in the XML element that use the `mode` state
state.mode = "default"

This XML produces the following UI:

This frame cannot have child frame.

This frame doesn't support common attributes.


Value type: string


The name of the UI state. Used to identify the state when binding properties or updated the value.

Example Usage

<State name="enable" booleanValue="false" />

Lua script to modify the state's value:

local state = DCEI.GetFrameState(xml)
state.enable = "true"


Value type: number


The number value of the UI state.

Example Usage

<State name="size" numberValue="100" />

Lua script to modify the state's value:

local state = DCEI.GetFrameState(xml)
state.size = "500"


Value type: string


The string value of the UI state.

Example Usage

<State name="text" stringValue="Placeholder Text" />

Lua script to modify the state's value:

local state = DCEI.GetFrameState(xml)
state.text = "Still Placeholder Text"


Value type: boolean


The boolean value of the UI state.

Example Usage

<State name="enable" booleanValue="false" />

Lua script to modify the state's value:

local state = DCEI.GetFrameState(xml)
state.enable = "true"